Scholars express grave concern about converting poor African Muslims to Christian

It is a conspiracy against inter-faith harmony and we will firmly oppose preaching Christianity in any Muslim community. : Muslim Scholars


Cairo (By Special correspondent):

In a webinar organised by Islamic Research Complex, Cairo (Egypt) different scholars from the Muslim world expressed grave concern about converting poor African Muslims to Christianity. Scholars argued that its alarming for the whole Muslim nation that such practice is being done.

Leading scholars of the Muslim world including, Dr Yasser Abdel Hamid Jadallah Muhammad Al Najjar, from Al-Azhar University, Cairo; Dr Muhammad Ibrahim Saad Ibrahim Alnaadi from Al-Azhar University, Cairo; Dr Samira Hida from University of Muhammad Premier Oujda, Morocco; Dr Omar Abdul Fattah Mohammad, from University of Al-Azhar, Cairo; Dr Mohammad Hijazee, from Algeria University, Algeria; Dr Abdul Haleem from Al-Azhar University and the event is hosted by Dr Sami-Ullah, from Islamabad.

Scholar Dr Yasser Abdel Hamid Jadallah Muhammad Al Najjar, from Al-Azhar University, highlighted the history of Christian missionaries in the West’s Colonies & their Impact on the Modern World. Dr Hamid explained how in the era of West colonies missionaries converted local people to Christianity. The Scholar viewed that when we go through history we find that the prime objective of these missionaries was to find good slaves and servants for the European Empires. He added at that time European empires believed that Christian slaves and servants are easy to govern. Scholar further argued that many books and research were done in that era, on how to convert Nigger and other people to Christianity. Now, these Christians have an active role in regional and geo-politics.

Al-Azhar University Scholar, Dr Muhammad Ibrahim Saad Ibrahim Alnaadi gave his views on the ‘Lausanne Movement ‘ suspicious activities. Dr Ibrahim highlighted the history and mission statement of this movement. He further added that since its creation, this movement had been criticized because of many reasons. First of all, it is an unfair, unjust and cruel practice to convert anyone’s religion by giving him any sort of bribery or taking advantage of his financial, social or any other weakness. By giving money religions should not be traded like other commodities. In some regions, Muslims are weaker than Christians and in some countries, they are socially not in such a position to gain the same advantages as compared to Christians. Scholars added that in such scenarios, these missionaries exploit them emotionally and religiously by asking them to become Christians if they want to enjoy concessions or financial rewards.

Dr Samira Hida from the University of Muhammad Premier Oujda, Morocco highlighted preaching Christianity in different Muslim communities and explained how it’s an issue of concern for the whole Muslim world. Scholar further added that Christian missionaries have been using different tactics to convert Muslims into Christians. The most important is offering the lavish lifestyle of the West and showing to them the barbaric picture of Islam portrayed by the Western media.

Another Scholar, Dr Omar Abdul Fattah Mohammad, from the University of Al-Azhar, shed light on Islamophobia in the West, its causes & how it’s threatening inter-religion harmony. Dr Omar explained, how Islamophobia is on the rise since 9/11 and the evil role of Western media in it. The Scholar further argued that the rising of Islamophobia is not only a threat to Muslims but it’s for the whole of mankind. The Muslim world is facing the challenge of Islamophobia and the role of academia is imperative to counter this negative propagation of Islam as research and presentation of Islam’s true picture is the ultimate need of the hour.

Algerian Scholar, Dr Mohammad Hijazee, from Algeria University, explained how badly Muslims and Islam are portrayed in Western News & Entertainment Media. Dr Hijazee shed light that since 9/11, Western media framed Muslims with terrorism. Several studies proved, how Muslims have been framed wrongly with terrorism and its drastic effects on the Muslim community, especially who live in the Western world. Scholars added that when we see the Western entertainment media including cartoons and games, Muslims are also portrayed here as the worst of their kind.

The last Scholar of the Webinar, Dr Abdul Haleem from Al-Azhar University described the concept of Orientalism by Edward Said. Dr Abdul Haleem explained that since the West started colonization the other regions of the world, the literary work from Western writers also came out however, in such books the people of the East were depicted as downgraded or subhuman. Edward Said, a Palestinian intellectual, literary theorist, and historian of the colonial narrative – said explained how colonialism works, now not just via armies, but via literature; now not just thru conquest, but through anthropology. Scholar further added that the problem is, that the unique lens, in which non-Caucasians have been portrayed, as stupid and deprived is still practical in Western media.  Said saw it in 19th-century Western literature and we can see it across current tradition: switch on the news, read the newspapers, and have a look at the images. Muslims and Arabs are special targets for Western media, where they have been portrayed as stupid, barbaric, extremist and subhuman. Dr Haleem said, according to Dr Jack Shaheen over 3 hundred movies had been made until 2006 in Hollywood against Arabs and Muslims.

The host of the webinar Dr Sami-Ullah gave closing remarks in which he stressed that there must be a close eye on the activities of this so-called Lausanne Movement and that other missionary groups and Muslim scholars should come forward against such movements, which work to convert poor Muslims to Christianity. Dr Sami-Ullah urged that an awareness movement should be launched in such Muslim communities where this Lausanne Movement and other missionary groups are working. He further added that local NGOs and media should highlight such issues, where poor Muslims are being converted to Christianity.

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