Home Analysis Who is responsible for the genocide of Hazara community?

Who is responsible for the genocide of Hazara community?


By Greg Brummel

Since the Taliban took over neighbouring Afghanistan in 2021, Hazaras have faced pervasive persecution and discrimination in Pakistan. Hazaras are selectivity and frequently attacked by militants. Example is a massive killing in January 2021 near Quetta of 11 coal miners simply because they were HAZARA. Because of their looks and physical characteristics, they are easily identified and killed by Salafis / Wahabis extremists who consider Shia to be non-Muslims and believe that taking their lives is a key to heaven for them.

In the region, Hazaras have been oppressed in various ways by the Balochistan Government and the federal Government of Pakistan, and they have a major claim of neglect.

Joint effort of cross-party parliamentarians from both houses(House of Common and House of Lords) experts reveals the atrocities and injustices on Hazaras and states severe risk of genocide to the Hazaras community. It includes warnings from civil society after the withdrawal of NATO from Afghanistan 2021 . It identifies key risks along with some solutions. This report focuses on exclusive role of Pakistan regarding hazaras and it involves the opinion based on research, NGO’s Experts findings, eyewitnesses and from the public consultation.

Exact figure of Hazaras in Pakistan is unknown and according to US reports shias include ethnically Hazara people, Ismaeilis, Bohri(Branch of ismaeilis’s believed to make 15 to 20 %) of Shias in Pakistan. According to a local Hazara Dr Saleem Javed 0.02% of Pakistani population makes Hazara population that lives in Quetta, Balochistan and other parts of Pakistan as well. A well settled view is also that Hazaras are not native Pakistanis as they migrated from Afghanistan during last the century.

During dictator Zia-ul- Haq tenure in late 1970s to 1980s Hazara persecutions were intensified. Despite the known dangers for the community in Afghanistan government of Pakistan refused to take more refugees from Afghanistan and about 500 Hazaras were deported back to Afghanistan as there were no camps and resources available for them in Pakistan.

A dire need of protection is required for Hazaras people in Pakistan as they are always under attack and killed brutally through suicide bombs, even killed after identification through their id cards, and physical appearance just because they are Hazara Shias living in Pakistan.  UN special reporter Professor Fernand De Varennes, reported 11 Hazara miners in Pakistan , 0n 11th Jan 2021 were killed by IS and he emphasised on the protection of the community because there is no one to help and hear them with sincerity .This community is targeted specifically .National Commission of Human Rights reports suggest that since 2014 approximately 500 were killed in these targeted community attacks. Reports also suggests that people of Hazaras claims to have two prisons in their own home towns as young people and men are not allowed to go outside and graveyards are full of innocent lives and barely any space left and they are tired of carrying the coffins of young, old, people of their community.

During Imran Khan government when coal miners were killed and a peaceful protest was staged and  community refused to bury the coffins and Prime Minister Imran khan did not come in person to meet and console them instead told the community to refrain from ‘blackmailing the premier’, as he even denounces the attack. They are not only killed in targeted attacks, but also their fundamental rights are infringed and they have limited opportunities due to the fear of threats of violence.Ecnomic, education, health and everyday life opportunities are significant services in that regard are not available to them as people if get sick can not reach hospitals on time and die even before reaching hospitals due to lots of checkpoints they have to go through before they could reach hospitals.

Since 2021 , the situation has deteriorated as many people of hazara tribes from afghanistan wanted to move to Pakistan and even some paid smugglers to enter the country. And some had to face discrimination and different barriers to entre in the country safely. And even people with official real documentation were denied access to the country because of bias and discrimination and their documents were turned away and they were assaulted by the authorities.Reports from hazara democratic party suggests that approximately 3000 people have been killed in sectarian violence.and some tried to flee to the europe, australia and put them in a vulnerable situation by putting their lives in danger as some informal reports suggest about 1500 people were drowned to death while leaving the country from indonesia to australia.

Reports from UK Government guidance policy july,2002 (updated on 25th july 2022) hazaras are not only at the severe risk of persecution or various harms from the state but some of them also face official discrimination but also have threats from sectarian militants within the country. Freedom of movement, and expression is restricted and they are economically exploited as well. Nearly every household has lost the one who is the breadwinner for the entire family and young children and women are left vulnerable and even suffer for food and shelter on a daily basis. According to US reports  focused on the freedom in Pakistan 2021, it is identified that armed sectarian groups, including fractions of Tehreek-e-taliban Pakistan and ISIS-Khorasaan(ISIS-K) , continued to stage targeted attacks on shia muslims predominantly the hazara community. There is a lack of mechanism and real policy to deal with the community issues even the chief justice of Pakistan once stated that why  community is not protected , but no one appears to answer the question.

Situation of Hazara community requires urgent attention as basic rights to live freely in a peaceful environment , economic rights, right to education ,health , movement and freedom of expression are discriminated against. Reports of National commission for human rights (NCHR) suggest that at least 2000 people of that community have been killed during terrorist attacks since 1999 until 2017 whereas another report from south  asia terrorism portal recorded 383 deaths due to attack between 2006 to 2007. An independent urgent inquiry is required for their issues to be understood and cure because life of each hazara shia matters and its the whole community that is being targeted in different ways that life is a biggest challenge for them to live freely in a peaceful environment.

Note:This is not official publication of the House of Commons or the House of Lords and has not been approved by either House of committees.This report is based on an inquiry done by a group of Members of both Houses with common interest in a particular issue.The vies expressed in this report are those of the inquiry.

Disclaimer:Disclaimer:This article may contain opinion of author which don’t necessarily reflect that of the organisation (London Post). London Post does not necessarily agree with the author’s views and is not responsible for the author’s content.


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