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Will Parker didn’t know what he wanted to do after school.

Youth unemployment is twice that of the general population

His current title is ‘Food Service Worker’, but Will has other roles as well.
save the Australian economy.

Youth unemployment is almost double that of the general population, even when unemployment is near record lows.

Jeff Borland, an economics professor at the University of Melbourne, says it’s perfectly normal.

Young people are often in transition from education to adulthood. And it’s not always smooth.

“Yes, many people are lucky enough to get a job right away, but many transition from education to job-seeking status,” he says.

“Another reason is that young people are more likely to be unemployed, meaning they are more likely to be laid off or quit their jobs than the older population.

“And that means there will be more people in the pool of people who are unemployed at any given time.”

Jeff Borland’s MCU in a light blue collared shirt and sitting in front of a bookshelf
Professor Jeff Borland says young people make up a disproportionate share of the unemployed. (ABC News)
The current low unemployment rate is helping to make society more equal, he says.

The unemployed are made up of what Professor Borland calls “various levels of barriers to finding work.” “The stronger the job market, the more likely it will look to employers willing to give people a chance. increase.

This is happening now. And it can reverberate for years in a positive way.

goodbye workers
But first he needs to talk about COVID.

The shocking events when the 2020 pandemic started may be fading in people’s memories, but its effects are still being felt. In April 2020, the government asked international students and “visitor visa” holders to return home, and then-Prime Minister Scott Morrison said there would be no support for them.

“It’s nice to have visitors in Australia at a good time, but for anyone visiting the country at a time like this, it’s time to go home,” he said.

A close-up of Prime Minister Scott Morrison in a suit and pinned to the Australian flag.
Scott Morrison advised foreigners to return home during the pandemic. (ABC News:
Ian Cutmore)
The evacuation of about 500,000 people happened quickly. A historic depopulation that changed the long course of the country. Immigrants are returning quickly, but there are not enough workers to fill the jobs that are needed now.

Last September, there were more job openings than unemployed for the first time since the labor market was deregulated in the 1980s.

Companies urgently needed workers.

In the past, you could rely on a large pool of available employees to get you started quickly.

Now they have to work a little harder and hire staff who may need a little more help to get started. Will works as a caterer at a retirement home run by Australian Unity in Mornington, a suburb of Melbourne.

“When I make breakfast, the kitchen gives me trays at lunch and dinner.