Saturday, February 15, 2025

    Monthly Archives: June, 2022

    US using Pakistan as scapegoat: Shahid Qureshi

    Interview with Dr Shahid Qureshi Political analyst on Press TV Program: News Analysis 27th September 2011- 7.30 GMT Last week, the Chairman of the US Joint...

    ‘Bankers profiting from US wars’: Dr Shahid Qureshi

    Interview with Drt Shahid Qureshi A political analyst says America’s problems overseas would have automatically been resolved had Washington focused on solving its domestic issues. In...

    Indian policies hurt minorities, neighbors: Shahid Qureshi

    Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Shahid Qureshi, editor of The London Post, about newly-elected prime minister of India and what his...

    “Iran must seek political solutions with no religious tilts”: Dr Shahid Qureshi

    (Baku – Azerbaijan ) : –  Dr Shahid Qureshi exclusive interview with the Azerbaijan News Agency. How do you see the future developments of these...

    Peace process will continue in Afghanistan – Dr Shahid Qureshi

    (MBC TV Report) : Dr Shahid Qureshi senior political analyst based in London stated on MBC TV Channel that: “the gulf states should stress India...

    “Astana Club – a Think Tank to Explore Eurasian Future”: Dr Shahid Qureshi

    (By Special Correspondent) :- At the upcoming conference of ‘Astana Club’ in Kazakhstan special correspondent conducted an exclusive interview with Dr Shahid Qureshi who is...

    “Kazakhstan has completed a long journey in a short time at the UNSC”: Dr Shahid Qureshi

    (By Special Correspondent – London) : – A round table seminar was hosted by the SOAS, Vostok Society and Open Central Asia magazine at the...

    “Whose Democracy?” Asks a Seminar in London on the Eve of India’s Independence Day

    LONDON, 14 August 2016: Kashmiris are facing an existential crisis under Indian army occupation, said Kashmiri academic, novelist and activist Nitasha Kaul at a seminar at School...

    Nawaz Sharif is Lying about ‘Mumbai Terrorist Attacks’

    By Dr Shahid Qureshi: – Nawaz Sharif’s recent comments about ‘Mumbai Attacks’ are based on lies and his delusional imagination as well as treacherous behaviour....

    War-A Racket: An Eye Opener Documentary by The London Post & Media

    A US Major General Smedley Butler who served from 1898 to 1931 and saw action all over the world has said in his book “WAR IS...
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