Cultural diplomacy of Uzbekistan in the International arena


By Utkir Alimov

Diplomacy, as the main link of foreign policy, is a concept of a broad goal and strategy that ensures the country’s communication with all the countries of the world, a method of strengthening mutual and multilateral trust.

In today’s situation where the process of globalization has intensified and international relations are becoming more and more complicated, the issue of ensuring the national interest and raising the country’s prestige in the international arena is very important.

One of the important areas of diplomacy – “Cultural diplomacy” has long been valued as an important means of uniting souls in human society. Today, this field, which is described as “soft power”, serves as an important bridge between countries. This factor is an important tool for establishing diplomatic relations, especially in times of conflict.

At first, the country’s power was measured at the international level, mainly by its military and economic potential. Now the promotion of the history and culture of a particular country through the means of diplomacy is recognized as one of the important criteria of foreign policy. In other words, today cultural diplomacy is shown as one of the most effective methods of foreign policy.

The main goal of the foreign political activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan is to strengthen the independence and sovereignty of the state, its place and role in the international arena, to create an environment of security, stability and harmonious neighborhood around it, to actively promote the foreign economic interests of the republic, to develop diplomatic relations with other countries.

When will peoples become friends with each other, nations will become dear? In my opinion, first of all, when people of culture, literature, and art come together and get to know each other. In other words, first artists unite, then this friendship brings nations and peoples closer together. The friendship of peoples leads to the friendship of states. The foundations of this process are laid by the figures of literature and art.

In general, “cultural diplomacy” is a deep-rooted concept that did not appear today. From the time of Hazrat Navoi to the time when Agahi lived. There were still literary and cultural connections, if not in the present form.

In the past, the people of Kalam traveled a lot around the world, wherever they went, they got to know the artists of that region. At this time, the artists of the two nations translated each other’s works into each other’s languages. The tradition continues today.

As one of the leading political institutions of the foreign policy of the cultural diplomacy of New Uzbekistan, it has been formed on the basis of modern criteria, gradually developed, and has been making a significant contribution to our country gaining its place and reputation in the international community. Efforts to expand friendly relations at the regional and global level, to raise the image of Uzbekistan in the international arena, are duly recognized by the world’s prestigious international organizations and countries.

In fact, this type of diplomacy is becoming one of the most important directions in foreign policy for our country, which is increasingly strengthening its place, position and reputation in the world community. It is worthy of recognition that bilateral and multilateral cultural diplomacy with various countries, as well as within the framework of international organizations, is being intensively promoted, and that our government considers the field as a very urgent issue.

It is known that hosting international festivals is very important in the development of cultural diplomacy. International festivals such as “Maqom”, “Bakhshichilik”, “Hunarmandlik”, “Lazgi” are organized in our country with the support of UNESCO, and artists from many countries of the world gather in the historical cities of our country.

Multilateral cultural cooperation within the framework of international and regional organizations is the priority direction of our country’s cultural diplomacy. In recent years, Uzbekistan has significantly activated its participation in organizations such as SCO, CIS, TURKSOY and especially UNESCO.

We know that many countries, say China, Japan or some other Asian countries, have a modernization aspect. That is, modernity is in harmony with historical tradition and tradition. We should also pay special attention to this aspect. If we develop Uzbekistan’s cultural diplomacy without understanding it in a narrow sense, taking development into account, the power of “soft power” will continue to increase.

Author: Leading Uzbek journalist Utkir Alimov graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of the Osmania University in India. Participant of various conferences held in Russia, Turkey, Serbia, South Korea, Saudi Arabia. Currently, he works as a Deputy Editor-in-Chief of International Relations Department of the Uzbekistan National News Agency.