Heavy Protests Expected in France as Macron Criticizes ‘Unforgivable’ Police Shooting of Teenage Driver


PARIS (Reuters)-Riots erupted on the outskirts of Paris after police shot and killed a 17-year-old boy named Naël M., sparking anger and protests. The incident sparked a wave of anger and grief, with celebrities, politicians and the president of France expressing condemnation of the tragic event. Video evidence has emerged that contradicts the original police report, raising serious questions about the circumstances surrounding the shooting. The article looks at the details of the incident and the protests that followed, and calls for judicial and police reform.

On Tuesday, Nael M. Two police officers stopped him for violating traffic rules in Paris. Police initially reported that the shooting occurred because the boy drove towards one of the officers. But a video shared on social media and reviewed by AFP points to a different account. The video shows officers standing next to a parked car, and a voice threatening the boy can be heard as one of the officers points a gun at the driver. Afterwards, the car suddenly started, and the police appeared to have opened fire at point-blank range. Moments later, the car crashed and Nael M. tragically passed away.

News of the shootings quickly sparked protests in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre, setting trash cans on fire and setting fire to a music school. Police responded with tear gas and dispersed the demonstrators. The unrest soon spread to neighboring suburbs, sparking further protests and clashes with authorities. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin admitted that 31 people had been arrested overnight, 24 police officers had suffered minor injuries and about 40 cars had been set on fire. In response, the government announced it would deploy 2,000 riot police to stop the escalation of violence.

The tragic incident drew widespread condemnation from celebrities, politicians and the French president himself. President Emmanuel Macron called the shooting “inexplicable” and “unforgivable” and expressed his deep sympathy for the families of the victims. Prime Minister Elisabeth Born stressed the importance of seeking truth to find calm in anger. Court precedents and calls for reform:

A 38-year-old police officer responsible for the shooting has been taken into custody and is being investigated for first-degree murder. Nael M.’s lawyers want to file further lawsuits against police officers for manslaughter and against his colleagues for conspiracy to shoot. In addition, a false testimony complaint has been filed against a police officer, alleging that Nael M. tried to run him over.

The incident reignited debate in France about police behavior and the need for reform. Critics say the video evidence shows the police’s shocking execution of a teenage boy and underscores the importance of justice. Some politicians have called for a complete overhaul of the police force, raising concerns about similarities to US policing practices.

The police shooting of Naël M. has sparked widespread outrage and protests on the outskirts of Paris. The release of video evidence has raised serious questions about the police’s initial report and the circumstances that led to the tragic incident. Calls for justice and police reform echoed across France, prompting a reassessment of police practices. As the investigation continues, the state awaits a trial in hopes of a solution that honors the young victim’s memory while addressing concerns about police liability.