Judges, Generals and Nawaz Sharif mafia’s Psyops


By Dr Shahid Qureshi: –

One hopes that the Pakistani military’s ‘ultimate love and romance’ with Sharif mafia syndicate came to an end now as whole clan is run by India. Those ‘big boys’ who are now retired from army and have links with Sharif mafia with business or family interests must be on high watch list? The corrupt contractors of the new Islamabad airport must have been using loot money for lobbying. They could have links with the illicit video making of influential people which convicted criminal Maryam Sharif is threatening to expose. Although there was a counter threat to release 10 videos to one in case Sharifs cross the redline. The $64000 question is how this mafia could flourish and damage?

Maryam Nawaz, a cheater, convicted criminal and compulsive liar sit in front of the TV cameras and attacks Pakistan’s honourable judges and patriotic armed forces but no one in media ask questions as what her own credibility is. Pakistani media is supporting this criminal and cheat woman to hide behind her gender. I have not heard any TV anchor or news editor narrating this famous saying (hadess) of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): “If my own daughter Fatima found guilty of stealing, I will cut her hand”. We were taught in schools I do not know what they are teaching now in Pakistan.

A personality and profiling security expert said: “Nawaz Sharif severely suffers from inferiority complex and bi-polar personality disorder which made him do things which are beyond imagination. He always wanted to be in a position of power and may be in uniform. His application for the appointment as naib-tehsildar to General Jillani is part of the national archives and later he joined civil defence. He was sent to actor Rangeela (Saeed Khan) by his late father for acting training after which late legend actor Rangeela send him back by saying ‘he cannot be taught anything’.

Nawaz Sharif was in civil defence in 1980s standing with General Ghulam Gillani aka Gill.
Nawaz Sharif was in civil defence in 1980s standing with General Ghulam Gillani aka Gill.

When he was exiled in Saudi Arabia, he and his brother decided to have hair transplant. Can one imagine a twice prime minister of Pakistan going through painful stapling of hairs in his head? It is that complex which made him select a team around him which is much inferior to him. Look at his bi-polar personality he chooses a number four junior General Qamar Bajwa or current General Raheel Sharif who was number three in seniority list as Army Chief and number 4 or 5 in the seniority list as Air Chief like current Air Marshal Sohail Aman or old woods like Sartaj Aziz and Tariq Fatmi to run the foreign office of 7th Nuclear State. He appointed Saeed-u-Zaman Siddiqi (80) as governor of the most troubled and important province Sind is admitted in hospital in 48 hours of his appointment.

No description available.
Sharifs before coming into power (top) after coming into Power below

I had a chance to travel with Nawaz Shairf as a passenger on PIA flight from Lahore to London few years ago. As my senior old Ravian (Government College Lahore) and former prime minister I always treated him with great respect and said my greetings to him every time I see him. By the way I gave him an important article about Pakistan’s nuclear capability and nuclear doctrine published in an international journal sent to me by Naeem Salik an expert on the subject. I am not sure if he read that article in long haul flight or not. I believe he must have when he had few moments from his grandchildren traveling with him. As a professional, I did not feel comfortable to have a hard talk style interview with him as he was with his family and enjoying food and drinks. Well, his PA gave him a newspaper and I thought he was going to read but then to my surprise, PA gave him an electric shaver and he shaved just before landing at Heathrow Airport.

I thought there may be some press but instead his PSO Zubair Gul now PML-N leader in UK who was sitting next to me was arrested by the British Security and police at the airport. We later found out it might be some tax matters. But police don’t arrest people arriving from abroad for some unpaid council or income tax?

Maybe it was a message to the boss. I am not sure, but Brits are good at subtle messaging, and to be honest they know every corrupt and bent politician of Pakistan. What make them strong is their knowledge in advance via 5 (I’s) close collaboration with each other, these are five sisterly intelligence agencies are of Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Most of the wealth and wives of Pakistani politicians are hidden in these countries.

I wrote some time ago there will be a time when stolen wealth of these Pakistani politicians will become a national security threat to Pakistan. It has now. Can you imagine grade 20 level officials are enough to run Pakistan from abroad and its politicians be it NRO (so called National Reconciliation Ordinance by Gen Pervez Musharraf and Gen Ashfaq Kiyani with late Benazir Bhutto) or dispute between local politicians these officials are in it? This is how politicians have downgraded the country.

To be fair I don’t think gentlemen Generals have training to deal with Mafias and criminal gangs likes of Sharifs and Zardari as well as spins of the corrupt Pakistani Bureaucracy, the custodians of the state.

I hope Generals are understanding the criminal strategy of Zardari and Nawaz Sharif: ‘drag in the army into politics, damage the institution, serve the foreign masters and run off with the stolen wealth’. However, I do believe that politicians should not be over criticised as they are to run the country, but Pakistan has a criminal political elite of may be 3000 people and about 2000 bureaucrats who are supporting this corrupt system of mafia as well as secret sectarian parallel governments.

The way to handle these criminals is empowering the judiciary and judges in Colombian style swift justice and taking special measures, as judiciary in USA did and took ‘special measure for special situation’.

The judiciary need to take some historic decisions and Suo motto on the issues and scandals which concerns national security.

As someone said: “no one can ride on your back unless it is bent’.

(Dr Shahid Qureshi is senior analyst with BBC and chief editor of The London Post. He writes on security, terrorism and foreign policy. He also appears as analyst on Al-Jazeera, Press TV, MBC, Kazak TV (Kazakhstan), LBC Radio London. He was also international Presidential election observer for Kazakhstan, 2019, 2016 and 2015, Azerbaijan 2020, 2018 and Pakistan 2002. He has written a famous book “War on Terror and Siege of Pakistan” published in 2009. He did his MA from Government College Lahore. He wrote his MA thesis on ‘Political Thought of Imam Khomeini’ and visited Tehran University. He is PhD in ‘Political Psychology’ also studied Law at a British University. He also speaks at Cambridge University and visiting professor in Hebe University in China.)

Views expressed are not of The London Post