Dr. Syed Ashfaq Hussain (Pakistan)
Early Sufi Migrations and the Rise of Hur Movement (14th Century to Early 1900s)
In the fourteenth century, there was a large addition to the migration of Soharwardia. Sufis, on the other hand, the Sufi Sheikh Ahmad Baghdadi and Brother Sheikh Mohammad of Qadria came to prevent Ismailiyyahs’ preaching.
In this practice, the Qadria chain established its centers in Bakkhar, Nasarpur Tahtha, and Badeen (Sindh-Pakistan). Now, the Sufis of the Naqashbandia chain also came to Sindh for preaching, and as a result, Sindh became the center of three chains: Soharwardia, Qadria, and Naqshbandia. As a result of the migration of these Sufis, Mysticism looked like an institution.
These pirs were considered the advisors of the rulers and aristocratic class. When the Shah Waliullah movement appeared as a jihad movement under the leadership of Syed Ahmad Shaheed, Pir Sibgutllah-1 was very impressed by this jihad movement and established a party of those people who were courageous and freedom fighters who gave shape to the Hur movement. Almost 3 lacs Bulloch followers were participants in Hur movements and ready to sacrifice their lives at different times and these were called (Hurs).
Part 2: Escalation of Resistance and British Confrontation (1900-1941)
Pir Sabgutullah I, according to his religious ideology and thoughts, saw Britain as contemptuous. Pir Hizbullah Shah Sani was also deadly against British rule. In his period, Britishers treated Hurs strictly, to the extent that they were not allowed to enter government service, and Military recruitment was also strictly prohibited.
This is a fact that the local community did not accept the British rule with an open heart.However, as a result of Pi Hizbullah’s thoughts British rule had to face many difficulties, and Hur’s disgust was inflamed against the British. They enthusiastically took part in the 1857 War of Independence when the British Government involved Hurs in the murder case of Pir Jhanday Shah then pir Sahib advised his followers to keep silent.
British Government after all sent their commissioner with some gifts for Pir Hizbullah for his cooperation and well wishes. There was a sword and “Afreen Nama”. (A certificate for their co-operation with the British Government).
Pir Ali Gohar Shah was the son and successor of Pir Hizbullah Shah and was appointed Fourth Pir of Pagaroo. He gave special attention to the modification and training of the Hurs. In his period the Hurs resisted against the British due to their injustice and cruelty in the area of South Distt. Tharparkar, Sanghar, and Mukhi Dhund became the center of their activities. The British Government increased its armed forces to face Hurs.
The British Government set police posts for which the natives had to bear expenses. However, the British Government failed to suppress the activities of Freedom Fighters. The Hurs did not come under the material & moral pressure of the British. So the British government decided to rely on pir pagaroo Ali Gohar Shah Sani for the law and order situation. But this trick of the British also failed because the pir sahib neglected all these privileges and favored Hurs.
The British Government assured its cooperation when Pir Mardan Shah-I, was appointed as the successor of Pir All Gohar Shah. As per previous political practice, The British Government again offered special privileges to the pair, but The pir rejected these offers. The British Government autocracy led to the development of hatred and antagonism among Hurs which finally took shape into a Hur Movement against the British.
To be Continued