Taiwan lies at the heart of China’s core interests – China’s defense minister


BEIJING (Reuters) November,22- Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe told U.S. diplomats on Wednesday that Taiwan was at the center of China’s core interests and a “line” that should not be crossed.

“Taiwan’s resolutions are up to the Chinese people, and no outside force has the right to interfere,” Wei said during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin during a meeting of Southeast Asian defense secretaries in Cambodia. Stated.

Wei said the United States must respect China’s core interests and wants to pursue reasonable and practical policies toward China and Central America. The relationship gets back on track.

Beijing adamantly views Taiwan as an integral part of China. Earlier, Chinese state media reported that Defense Ministry spokesperson Tang Kefei said the main reason for the current state of Sino-U.S. relations was that the United States made the wrong strategic judgment. quoted.

Tan said China does not take responsibility for the state of the relationship.