Car and truck rally in Melbourne for support of Khalistan


Melbourne, The London Post, December 11- A Car and Truck rally was conducted in Melbourne in favour of the Khalistan movement in which a large number of people from the Sikh community participated and raised slogans for a separate land for the Sikh community and spread awareness about the rights of the Sikh community in all over the world.

A secessionist organisation ‘Sikhs for Justice known as SFJ’ is plotting to implement its agenda of the Khalistan movement amongst Australian Sikhs.

The London Post can reveal that a number of SFJ members from the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom including Avatar Singh Pannu coordinator for Sikhs For Justice in Melbourne recruit Australian Sikhs for his plans to divide India and create a separate nation.
The London Post earlier reported that the Department of Home Affairs is examining the visa conditions of some Khalistani overseas players who are actively involved in this proposed Khalistan referendum to be held in Melbourne.

Avtar Singh Pannu and his local Australian team of Khalistan supporters have been sending links to Sikh community members via multiple Gurudwara databases and on Indian Australian social media groups to register as volunteers for the Khalistan movement. The car rally started from Shri Guru Singh Saba Craigiebaan Gurdwara and reached Gurdwara Sahib Tarnate via Gurdwara Sahib Plimpton and Gurdwara Miri Pili.

Anil Kumar* arrives as an international student from the city of Jalandhar, Punjab, India, in the western suburbs of Melbourne where he has lived for 20 years.

Bhakta Das is Chair of the Faith Community Council Victoria (FCCV).

Mr Das told The Australia Today that he is personally concerned about the development as it is very worrying for both the Hindu and benevolent Sikh communities.

Mr Kumar has a real estate business with his Sikh business partners in Tulganina.

“We will consult with all stakeholders as soon as possible to stop using religious space to spread hatred against other communities,” Das added.

The London Post has repeatedly contacted the VSGC president and cult association Cragieburn and Tarneit’s Gurudwara Management Committee, but they have not responded to our calls.

Jaga, who did not give his first name, told Australia Today:

“My wife and I have warned the Gurdwara Management Board several times about discriminatory behaviour by certain people when non-Sikhs come to their Gurdwara.”

“In the last month or so, these people have not been able to garner much support. I’m sure we’ll soon be able to spread awareness about it our rights all over the world,” Jaga added.