Galloway points finger at UK for Moscow attack

  • Galloway’s actions deemed reckless and irresponsible by MPs, accused of aiding Kremlin

LONDON – George Galloway, the recently elected MP, has made headlines by alleging UK involvement in the terror attack that shook Moscow last week, a statement that was picked up by a newspaper linked to the Kremlin.

On his YouTube talk show, the Rochdale MP accused the US and the UK of spreading falsehoods about Isis’s role in the attack, which claimed the lives of at least 139 people and left around 360 injured.

Following his controversial return to parliament, a move described as a “dark day” for Britain’s Jewish community, Mr Galloway has been vocal about conspiracy theories, including the death of the Princess of Wales and comparing Israel to Nazi Germany.

His latest comments have drawn criticism from fellow MPs, who have labelled them as irresponsible and reckless, accusing him of playing into the Kremlin’s narrative. Foreign Secretary David Cameron dismissed claims of Western and Ukrainian involvement in the Crocus City Hall attack as “utter nonsense” in a Twitter/X post.

<p>Galloway’s words were quickly picked up by the Russian government newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta which cited him as an expert discussing the attack </p>

In a recent episode of his YouTube show, Mr Galloway stated, “When the US, UK and others hastily tried to convince me that only Isis (prohibited in the Russian Federation) was responsible for this Moscow massacre, I immediately knew they were not telling the truth.”

“Here’s what I unearthed: the unannounced visit of ex-president Barack Obama to Downing Street for a meeting with British politicians and security officials, three days prior to the terrorist act, remains unexplained.

Digging deeper, I found that Victoria Nuland, a former senior US diplomat known as a harbinger of civil war, had promised Russians some unpleasant surprises in the upcoming weeks and months.

These comments were swiftly highlighted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta, a Russian government newspaper, which quoted him as an expert on the attack.

Galloway claimed to have four pieces of evidence pointing towards the United States, its NATO allies, and Ukraine as the perpetrators of this massacre. However, he denied any knowledge of Rossiyskaya Gazeta when questioned by the media.

The newly elected MP’s comments echo Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unfounded allegations that Ukraine is somehow behind the attack, despite the lack of evidence to support this.

Western analysts caution that Putin has a track record of using terrorist attacks as a pretext for wars of aggression and is likely plotting a similar course for the recent Moscow incident.

These remarks sparked a wave of criticism from MPs.

Tobias Ellwood, the former chair of the parliamentary defence committee, labelled the claims as irresponsible and reckless, warning that Moscow would exploit these words to spin its own narrative blaming NATO.

Conservative Bob Seely, a member of the foreign affairs committee, expressed his complete disagreement with Galloway’s claims, stating that there is absolutely no evidence implicating the US, UK, Ukraine, or NATO, and that such baseless speculation only serves the Kremlin’s interests.

Senior Tory MP Henry Smith condemned the audacity of a British MP waving the Russian flag by attributing this to a NATO act.

On Tuesday night, in response to Lord Cameron’s Twitter/X post dismissing allegations of British involvement in the attack as ‘utter nonsense’, Galloway simply replied: ‘Of course you do.’”

“Although initially attempting to attribute the attack to Ukraine, Mr. Putin acknowledged two days later that radical Islamist terrorists were indeed the culprits. However, he added, ‘Now we want to know who ordered it.’

The article featuring Mr. Galloway’s allegations also included statements from Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of Russia’s security council, and Alexander Bortnikov, the director of the Federal Security Service (FSB). Both attempted to connect Ukraine to the attack. Mr. Bortnikov even went to the extent of suggesting that the US and UK, along with Ukraine, orchestrated the attack.

The article began with Mr. Patrushev’s response to a question about whether Isis or Ukraine was behind the Moscow attack. ‘Of course, Ukraine,’ he said, without providing any evidence. The article then quoted Mr. Bortnikov, who alleged that Ukrainian special services had been training terrorists in the Middle East, again without substantiating his claim.

A senior advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky subsequently accused both Mr. Patrushev and Mr. Bortnikov of ‘officially spreading lies.’

The terrorist group Isis has claimed responsibility for the attack on Crocus City Hall last Friday. This claim has been corroborated by the US, UK, Ukraine, and several other Western nations.”