Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has called a snap presidential election to win a new mandate from the people to continue his reform blitz, after a controversial referendum was held last month that will allow him to serve two more seven-year terms.
The elections will be held on July 9 and Mirziyoyev is widely expected to be re-elected by a landslide. Since he took over in 2016, Mirziyoyev has introduced sweeping reforms that have seen the economy flourish, putting in the fastest growth in the region and experiencing a full-scale transformation. Mirziyoyev continues to enjoy genuine popular support and has promised to continue delivering on his reform programme.
In less than a decade, Mirziyoyev has managed to liberalise the economy and modernise the political system in Uzbekistan in contrast to his predecessor Islam Karimov, who presided over a repressive state. Uzbekistan has now become a substantially more convenient destination for foreign business and investment, as well as a more appealing tourism destination due to its well-preserved cultural heritage.
Presidential candidate from the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev meet with voters in Samarkand. According to him, by 2030 there will be no problems with kindergartens in the region.
“We will create an additional 110,000 new study places in the Samarkand region in the next 7 years. At the same time, 21 new schools and additional buildings for the existing 347 schools will be built, 210 schools will be overhauled.
In Samarkand, by 2030, there will be no problem with kindergartens in any district. To this end, for the first time, kindergartens will be launched in 76 mahallas, an additional 255 kindergartens will be established,” the candidate said.
Recently, Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with voters in Jizzakh region.
The head of state said that over the next seven years 85 medical facilities will be built and renovated in the region. It is planned to open branches of 12 specialized medical centers, as well as a center for pediatric cardiac surgery for 500 operations per year.
To meet the demand for housing, 500 multi-apartment buildings will be built. In addition, the population of Jizzakh and six districts will be provided with drinking water through the construction of a main water pipeline from the Zarafshan River for 160 km.
Water supply will be provided to hundreds of mahallas experiencing water shortages. Thanks to this, 320 thousand people will begin to receive clean drinking water, and the availability of water supply for the population will reach 90%.
In addition, the President announced plans to expand the activities of the Jizzakh auto industry cluster. It is planned to attract $700 million in investments from Chinese, Korean and other partners.
Together with China, a $130 million electric car production line will be launched, which, after reaching full capacity, will produce up to 300,000 cars annually. It is also planned to invest $50 million in expanding the production of cars with internal combustion engines.
Conversely, South Korean firms will be sending £235 million to the cluster. As a result, there are plans to ramp up car production to 200,000 per year (beginning in 2021, the production of Kia vehicles will also take place there).
The industry necessitates a dependable electricity provision. To address this issue, Mirziyoyev announced to build several new power plants in the region.
Thus, two photovoltaic power plants will be built in the Forish and Gallaaral districts with the participation of investors from China and the United Arab Emirates. Their total capacity will be 750 MW, and the cost will be $700 million.
In the Sharof-Rashidov district, a Turkish company will launch a combined-cycle thermal power plant with a capacity of 450 MW for $350 million (in April, Cengiz Enerji signed an agreement for the construction of a thermal power plant in the region). It is also planned to upgrade 4.5 thousand km of power grids and 1,100 transformers.
“More than a thousand children with congenital heart diseases in Bukhara will be treated at the expense of the state” – Mirziyoyev
2 wind and 3 solar power plants will be built in the Bukhara region, 60 thousand families will receive housing, more than a thousand children with congenital heart diseases will be treated at the expense of the state, 95% of Bukhara residents will be centrally provided with drinking water, the Bukhara experience of environmental protection and recycling of household waste will be created.
A meeting of UzLiDeP presidential candidate Shavkat Mirziyoyev with voters began in Bukhara. According to a correspondent, the candidate presented his plans for the next 7 years in Bukhara for housing construction, medicine, electricity and ecology.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev said that over 1,500 high-rise buildings will be built in Bukhara in the next seven years, and 60,000 families will receive comfortable housing. Including:
- more than 1,500 high-rise buildings will be built, 60,000 families will receive comfortable housing;
- 7 thousand km of roads will be repaired in the region, including 3.5 thousand km of internal roads and more than 300 bridges;
- to improve the drinking water supply of 1 million 200 thousand inhabitants, 5 thousand kilometers of a new network and 84 water supply facilities will be built. As a result, the coverage of centralized drinking water supply in the city of Bukhara will increase from 77% to 95%;
- 1,200 kilometers of sewer networks and 150 treatment facilities will be built in district and city centers. This will connect more than 600,000 people to sewerage for the first time, and increase coverage in the region from the current 9% to 40%;
- 10,000 kilometers of electrical networks will be built in mahallas, 1,000 transformers will be updated.
“We have clear plans to improve the quality of medical services provided to the population of Bukhara. To this end, by 2030, 50 new family clinics and medical offices will be built in mahallas, and 200 will be overhauled.
At the expense of the state, more than 1,000 children with congenital heart defects requiring complex surgical intervention will be treated. We will allocate 30 billion soums a year to Bukhara for this,” the candidate said.
“Also, the International Center for Traditional Medicine and the Pharmaceutical Cluster will be created in Bukhara. To do this, we will attract investments in the amount of $50 million”.
The experience of Bukhara in the field of environmental protection and recycling of household waste will be created. In the next seven years:
- 15 municipal solid waste landfills in the region will be closed and 6 will be modernized;
- 200 modern garbage trucks will be purchased for the region, waste collection points will be built in each mahalla;
- 20 million saxaul seedlings and other shrubs will be planted to prevent sand from moving in desert areas.
“In general, if we are among the first to start a lot of work to turn the Bukhara region into an “ecologically clean, waste-free region”, I think that this will be supported by all the people of the region,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

Author:Miss Shukurova Gulmira Rustamovna, Chief editor of the scientific and methodological electronic journal and portal
“Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan”, lecturer of UzSWLU and UzJMU, as well as Co-founder and media trainer of NGO New Media Education Center.
The author of academic books such a “PR in modern media environment” “Journalist’s safety” and articles. The specialist in Journalism, Conflict-sensitive
journalism, Crisis communication, Media Literacy, Public Relations.
Participated in local and international programs on journalism, such a IVLP,
Distinguished Humphrey Fellowship (USA), PfP Media and Communication
Course (MIKA, Switzerland).Has 15 years of experience in journalism, PR.