Sunday, June 30, 2024

    Monthly Archives: April, 2024

    Regional tensions fuel unrest in Somalia and Ethiopia

    The Somali federal government has given the Ethiopian ambassador in Mogadishu a 72-hour deadline to exit the country for “comprehensive discussions”. Additionally, it...

    Stoltenberg marks NATO’s 75th anniversary: “Strength lies in US-Europe unity

    BRUSSELS -Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of NATO, commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Atlantic Alliance. “Today, we mark the 75th anniversary of the...

    Drone attack targets military base in Myanmar

    NAYPYIDAW,Myanmar - Drones targeted a military base in Naypyidaw, the capital of Myanmar, currently under the control of the coup junta. The Government of...

    Taiwan earthquake:Death toll increases to 10

    TAIPEI CITY,Taiwan - Buildings in Wanhua District were damaged in the quake, with some residents ordered to evacuate and one building facing possible demolition. The...

    Indian government ordered killings in Pakistan, intelligence officials claim

    The agency, the Research & Analysis Wing (Raw), is directly controlled by the office of India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, who is running...

    Prime Minister Kishida calls for greater Japanese presence amid China’s growing influence

    TOKYO, Japan - Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has announced that Japan, the U.S., and the Philippines will collaborate in areas such as semiconductors, digitalization,...

    Chinese firm considers $150 million investment in Kazakhstan plant

    ASTANA - Yerzhan Yelekeyev, Chairman of the Management Board of JSC National Company Kazakh Invest, and Sultangali Kinzhakulov, Deputy Chairman of the Investment Committee...

    Russian card transactions suspended in Kyrgyzstan due to sanctions

    BISHKEK,Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyzstan has halted its acceptance of Russia’s Mir payment cards due to pressure from its national payments operator’s Latvian software provider. The Interbank Processing Center...

    Amnesty International appeals to Pakistan to halt Afghan migrant expulsion

    The International Amnesty Organization has called for an immediate stop to the eviction of Afghan migrants by the Pakistani government. They have urged Pakistan...

    Selling off the land of Walton Airport is a perfect case of violation of rules

    LAHORE, Pakistan: Pakistan is infamous as a haven of the real estate mafia that lives in heaven as it can ruin and abuse laws...
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