Muslim Convention, A platform of unity around the world


By Waritha zainab

On 23rd of October, an event was organised by the Muslim Convention in the city of Birmingham with over 1000 attendees from across UK,US Europe, Middle East and Asia.
The guest speakers included Mawlana Shahenshah Naqavi, Ayatollah Akshwari, Sheikh Nuru Muhammad, Sheikh Muhammad Ali Hilli, Syed Haidar Bahruloloom Jalal Mughnia and renowned reciters Farhan Ali Waris, Mulla Nizar Qatari, Jalal Massumi and Ali Fadhil.

The whole day covered a variety of programs for all age groups including workshops around psychological well being and social issues, theatrical performance, marketplace, Nasheed and Quran recitation and talks around the living Imam al Mahdi.

Coaches were arranged from various parts of UK to make the venue accessible for all. A sign language expert was present at the event to translate everything for people with hearing difficulties. The venue was accessible for people of all kinds of abilities.

Food and refreshments were served and all the attendees were given a brilliant platform to meet each other and get to know like minded people who gathered under the banner of the “living Hope”