“Navigating Nuclear safety: Insights from the India-Pakistan missile incident”

Image Credit:CNN

By Dr. Majid Khan

In early 2022, an incident involving a missile unintentionally fired by India into Pakistani territory raised international alarms about the precarious nature of nuclear safety and diplomacy between these two historically antagonistic neighbors. This incident, while not resulting in any casualties, underscored the potential for catastrophic miscalculations between nuclear-armed states. The mishap serves as a reminder of the fragility of peace in South Asia and the constant need for vigilance and communication to prevent such errors from escalating into full-blown conflicts.

Background on India-Pakistan Relations

The relationship between India and Pakistan has been marked by deep-rooted tensions and conflicts since their partition in 1947. The genesis of their discord lies in territorial disputes, religious differences, and political rivalries, which have led to several wars over the decades.

The presence of nuclear weapons has instilled a complex layer of deterrence in Indo-Pak relations, theoretically designed to prevent direct conflicts due to the mutually assured destruction such a confrontation would guarantee. However, this has also led to an arms race and increased militarization on both sides, with each country periodically testing ballistic missiles and conducting military exercises to display their military capabilities and resolve.

Despite several diplomatic attempts to normalize relations, including peace talks and treaties, the two countries have often found themselves on the brink of military escalation, most notably during the Kargil War in 1999 and the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Details of the 2022 Missile Incident

India unintentionally launched a BrahMos missile from Sirsa, Haryana on March 9, 2022, which crashed near Mian Channu in the Khanewal District of Punjab, Pakistan. The missile, which was not armed, was reportedly launched due to a technical malfunction during routine maintenance.

Even after Pakistan repeated its calls for an explanation of the incident, India took two days to answer. All the while India chose to conduct an internal investigation into the incident instead of agreeing to a joint one. The incident was described as “accidental launch” by the Indian Ministry of Defence, and a group captain was held accountable for it following an investigation led by an Indian Air Vice Marshal.

Immediate Consequences

The international response to the 2022 missile mishap was swift, with major powers and international organizations expressing concern and calling for comprehensive investigations and increased transparency in military operations by both countries. The incident served as a wake-up call for the international community about the dangers of mismanagement and accidents involving military arsenals in nuclear-capable states.

On a bilateral level, the incident temporarily heightened tensions between India and Pakistan. The diplomatic channels that were activated following the incident highlighted the importance of maintaining open and reliable lines of communication during crises.

Analysis of Communication Strategies

The 2022 missile mishap highlighted the critical importance of communication strategies in managing crises between nuclear-armed neighbors. The need for robust, fail-safe communication mechanisms that can operate effectively under any circumstances became evident. Effective communication is not only about crisis management but also about building trust over time.

Strategic Lessons Learned

The inadvertent missile launch provided several strategic lessons for India, Pakistan, and the international community. First, it highlighted the necessity for stringent checks and balances within national military protocols to prevent such mishaps.

Secondly, the incident reinforced the importance of crisis management protocols that are capable of de-escalating potential conflicts. These protocols must be continually reviewed and updated in response to both technological advances and evolving political landscapes.

Lastly, the incident has implications for international nuclear non-proliferation and safety standards. It serves as a reminder that international oversight and cooperative safety measures can be beneficial in regions where nuclear-armed neighbors have historically contentious relationships.

Implications for Future Policy

The 2022 incident offers significant insights for future policy directions for both India and Pakistan. Domestically, both countries need to enhance their military oversight and invest in safer technology to manage their arsenals. Internationally, there is a need for greater collaboration on nuclear safety protocols to ensure that such incidents do not escalate into international crises.

Policy recommendations might include the establishment of a bilateral nuclear risk reduction center, which could serve as a forum for sharing best practices, conducting joint trainings, and facilitating real-time communication during crises. Additionally, regular bilateral or multilateral talks, possibly under the auspices of an international body like the United Nations, could help establish frameworks for dialogue and engagement that reduce the risk of misperceptions and accidental escalations.

Moreover, these policies could be supported by international agreements on nuclear safety and crisis management, which could include provisions for transparency, regular inspections, and joint exercises in risk management. Such initiatives would not only bolster regional security but also contribute to global stability by ensuring that nuclear-armed states have robust mechanisms in place to prevent accidents and manage potential crises effectively.


The 2022 India-Pakistan missile mishap serves as a poignant reminder of the fine balance required to maintain peace and security in a nuclear-armed context. The incident has provided both immediate lessons in crisis management and strategic insights for long-term safety and stability measures. By learning from this event, India and Pakistan can enhance their policies and protocols to better manage their military assets and prevent future crises.

Author: Dr. Majid Khan a PhD Scholar of Media, qualified Journalist, Academic and Writer; have expertise in analyzing and designing strategy of propaganda, Information warfare and Image Building.

This article is brought to you by London Post, in collaboration with INPS Japan and Soka Gakkai International, in consultative status with UN ECOSOC.