Pakistani aircraft brings back remains of 5 Chinese victims: FM reports


BEIJING,China – The remains of the five Chinese nationals who tragically lost their lives in the terrorist attack on the Dasu hydropower project in Pakistan were returned to China on a Pakistani military aircraft. The plane was accompanied by high-ranking Pakistani officials and a delegation from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as stated by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin in a press conference on Monday.

These five individuals, along with their Pakistani driver, were victims of a suicide terrorist attack on March 26 at the Dasu hydropower project, a Chinese investment in Pakistan’s.

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On March 29, a Chinese inter-agency working group and diplomats from the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan visited a hospital in Rawalpindi city, Punjab province in eastern Pakistan. They mourned the loss of the five Chinese victims and expressed condolences and support from the Chinese government to the staff of the Chinese companies present, according to Wang.

Wang stressed that China stands firmly with Pakistan in its efforts to investigate the incident thoroughly, bring those responsible to justice, and take all necessary steps to ensure the safety and security of Chinese personnel, projects, and institutions in Pakistan.

A farewell ceremony for the five Chinese citizens was held on Sunday evening at the Nur Khan airbase in Rawalpindi, Pakistan by the Pakistani government.

The ceremony was attended by the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Jiang Zaidong, Pakistani officials, diplomats from the Chinese Embassy, and representatives of Chinese enterprises in Pakistan, as reported by the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan.

In his speech at the ceremony, Jiang paid tribute to the young Chinese compatriots who had traveled far from home to contribute to Pakistan’s development and strengthen China-Pakistan relations.

He expressed hope and confidence that Pakistan would expedite the investigation, intensify its counter terrorism efforts, and take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of Chinese personnel, institutions, and projects in Pakistan.

“We are committed to working with Pakistan to steadfastly enhance our all-weather strategic cooperation and hasten the construction of an even closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future,” the Chinese ambassador declared.

Chaudhry Salik Hussain, the federal minister for overseas Pakistanis and human resource development, expressed his deep condolences to the victims at the ceremony. He strongly condemned the terrorist attack and affirmed that Pakistan has always stood alongside the Chinese government and its people.

He assured that Pakistan would conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, uncover the truth as quickly as possible, and bring the culprits to justice. He added that any attempts to weaken the bond between Pakistan and China are destined to fail.